


全球卫生是一个充满活力的领域,在考虑社会问题的同时,通过应对新出现的卫生挑战,优先考虑增进健康成果, 文化, 经济, and environmental factors that contribute to health inequities in vulnerable populations and communities worldwide.

参与全球卫生经验不仅培养了对国际卫生问题的深刻理解,而且还使学生接触到不同的文化, 语言, 以及替代性医疗体系.

OUWB has developed a robust global initiative, 统一的课程, 课余活动, 社区参与. 我们的目标是培育多样化的机会, 激发兴趣, and promote active engagement in 全球健康 at all levels: local, 国家, 与国际. OUWB完全致力于为对这些经历感兴趣的学生提供一个在安全和结构良好的环境中丰富教育的机会.

OUWB M1的学生被邀请加入开放大学国际教育办公室,参加一年一度为期一个月的加纳公共卫生之旅. 该计划将于2025年6月实施.

去加纳旅行三周, 亲自动手的, community-driven experience covering social issues affecting women and children. You will collaborate with the Center for Learning and Childhood Development, 一个以研究为基础的, 阿克拉的非营利组织, Ghana. 与护理人员接触,了解中低收入国家家庭的生活经历,同时参观历史和文化遗址,了解殖民主义是如何发生的, slavery, 环境条件, and socio-经济 factors influence health and development.

OUWB will finance $4000 of the total program cost for up to four (4) students each year. 信息午餐和学习将于2024年9月举行(日期待定),申请流程将于2024年11月开始.


OUWB offers a transformative learning opportunity through Dr. Jason Wasserman and the Center for Moral Values in Health and Medicine. to its medical students through the 大屠杀和医学 program. 本课程提供 


For more information on this program, please contact Dr. 杰森·沃瑟曼 (电子邮件保护).


OUWB支持 Child Family Health Inter国家 program (CFHI). This established NGO offers over 30 programs in ten countries that connect students with local health professionals and community leaders transforming perspectives about self, 全球健康, 和治疗.*

这不是M4学生的资源. M4 students access CFHI away electives through the VSLO program.

*韦德体育app官网通过CFHI向有兴趣了解更多此类项目的学生提供有关全球经验的信息. 有关CFHI计划的信息仅由其他公共和私人组织创建和维护. The University does not control or guarantee the accuracy, 相关性, 及时性, 或者外部信息的完整性. Oakland University has no relationship or agreement with the any of the programs described here, nor does it have any supervisory or administrative role in any of these programs. The University in no way represents or acts as agent for any of the programs.

本CFHI信息的使用者有责任调查并了解该计划的所有方面, and the University assumes no liability for any loss, damage, illness, 或者人身伤害, 包括疼痛, 痛苦, 和死亡, that may be sustained by anyone in the course of participating in any program described here.

OUWB - 帖) University Medical School Exchange Program


M4 students can take one of their M4 electives with OUWB's partner institution, 帖).  学生 will work with the 全球健康 董事 and administration at 帖) to solidify specialty, 旋转的日期, 以及住宿和旅游资源. An official email will go out to all students when the 帖) elective is once again available.

University of California San Diego (UCSD) Border Health Elective

学生将与医生一起工作, mid-level providers and residents to provide health screenings and evaluations for asylum seekers, 来自世界各地, 谁会到达加州圣地亚哥. 在两家旅馆(由人道主义组织经营)提供照顾,在处理完成之前向寻求庇护者提供临时住房, before they depart for their sponsorship site. 学生 will generally work 8 am to 4 pm 5 days per week and see adults with chronic illnesses, 孕妇, newborns and those with acute injuries and health care needs.


学生可以使用与国内相同的VSLO系统来识别和参加国际选修课程(IAE)。. 学生 will need to apply both with the 全球健康 董事 / Registrar and CFHI (through VSLO).  每年 updated instructions and timelines are sent to all students. 

请参阅供资部分了解拉维茨基金(哈达萨)和边境保健/国际外地选修津贴的信息. Updated timelines, processes, and applications for all M4 IAEs are provided via email.


每年, 参加IAE(边境健康选修课或通过VSLO/CFHI)的学生有资格获得津贴,以补充与他们的选修课相关的费用. The amount of funding available varies from year to year. 奖学金总数和奖学金金额将每年通过电子邮件发送给申请和时间表的学生.


Funding for a limited number of students who choose to study at 哈达萨医疗中心 is made possible through a generous gift from the Ravitz Foundation to assist with the expense of the trip.


OUWB will cover $4000 of the program cost for up to four (4) students. The application for the program provides further information on this funding and how the students are selected.


CFHI为参加临床前课程或M4选修课的医科学生提供各种奖学金. 欲了解更多信息,请 请访问他们的网站.


This section is adapted from the AAMC Guide developed by Elizabeth Barreras Rivest. Ms的修改. Barreras Rivest’s document is specific for OUWB students and our 全球健康 Initiative.


  • What do I hope to accomplish through this global experience? 这是现实的吗??
  • What added value do I bring to the experience and the community where I will be working?
  • What impact can I have on the community/institution at this point in my medical education?
  • How much time can I spend on a global experience?
  • 现在是我走向世界的最佳时机吗? Will I have greater impact at a later time in my education and medical career?


  • 这个体验要花多少钱?
  • Can OUWB support any or all of this experience?
  • Are there scholarship opportunities to support this experience?
  • Am I permitted to start a Go Fund Me effort for this experience?
  • Will any financial support for this experience be deducted from my tuition and housing scholarships and loans?


  • What program is best for me at this point in my education as a physician?
  • Can I be part of an existing program or research project through OUWB?
  • Do I have language competency for the host country? Are interpreters provided and available daily?
  • Does the host institution/organization provide a medical director and a mentor/supervisor for students?
  • What are medical students permitted to do (without a medical license) in the host country?
  • Does the host country require a special visa for medical student volunteers? 交换学生?

Statement on Use of Photography During Global 经历/Activities

HIPPA and compliance to the HIPPA law is distinct to the United States. 虽然主办机构, organizations and community clinics do not or may not have confidentiality rules, 当参与全球活动时, 所有OUWB学生, faculty and staff remain professionally obligated to continue to abide by the:

  • 博蒙特HIPPA合规政策
  • 保密和计算机使用政策
  • OUWB Code of Professional Conduct for Global 经历 & Guidance on Ethical Behavior for Global 经历

In addition, engaging in photography of patients without explicit consent is a privacy violation. 为个人或专业目的拍摄和展示病人的照片是严格遵守保密政策的. OUWB期待所有的学生, 教职员工在全球范围内致力于通过遵守以下指导来尊重患者在摄影中的隐私:

在任何临床或非临床环境中拍摄照片或视频的个人都需要获得口头同意. 另外, photos or videos taken in a clinical setting require that the patient is de identified (i.e. blacking out the eyes, blurring the face, etc.)

(adapted from the AAFP statement on Confidentiality of Inter国家 Health 信息)


20152015 exchange visitor: Danny Mammo, Class of 2016

在2015年8月的两周时间里. Mammo, advanced his Medical knowledge in the department of Ophthalmology at Emek Medical Center. 他获得了新的临床技能, 遇到了一群迷人的医生和住院医生,并享受了一次他希望永远不会忘记的社交经历. Dr. Mammo will coauthor two articles with his faculty mentor at Emek. He then spent two weeks at 帖) Hospital, Jerusalem under the direct supervision of the renowned.

amer2016 exchange visitor: Amer Al-Hadidi, Class of 2016

Dr. 哈迪迪度过了2016年4月, 高级选修月, in pediatric oncology at 帖) Hospital (帖) Hebrew University) Jerusalem, Israel. 在这段经历中, he saw complex cases he only had read about in textbooks and observed new therapies in pediatric oncology.

两名前往哈达萨的学生, smiling, in front of a large plaque of the 哈达萨医疗中心 logo.2018 exchange visitors: Joseph Tran and Austen Knapp, Class of 2018

2018年,OUWB校友 陈志强,M.D.奥斯汀·纳普,M.D., spend a month at the 哈达萨医疗中心 in Jerusalem, Israel.


Inaya Hajj Hussein博士.D.
办公室:452 O 'Dowd Hall
Email: (电子邮件保护)

Dr. Inaya Hajj Hussein是基础医学研究部的副教授和全球卫生主任之一. 她有博士学位。.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology from the University of Louis Pasteur in Strasbourg, France, an M.S. 微生物学和免疫学学士学位.S. in Medical Laboratory Sciences from the Faculty of Medicine at the American University of Beirut.

拥有超过十年的经验. Hajj Hussein has been actively involved in various field studies focusing on HIV/AIDS, HPV, 性传播感染. Her expertise in 全球健康 has led to numerous publications in this field. She has particularly dedicated her work to special groups, 包括为联合国驻南黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)制定预防艾滋病毒和性传播疾病的培训师(TOT)计划. 此外, she has developed and implemented health programs for immigrants from Iraq and Syria, collaborating with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to empower women on health issues.

Dr. Hajj Hussein对全球健康的热情延伸到指导学生和指导他们的研究和全球健康努力. 她仍然致力于支持学生追求研究和全球卫生方面的宝贵经验.

Email: (电子邮件保护)

艾莉森·鲍尔,M.D., 儿科医生, 是OUWB的全球卫生主管之一,为医科学生提供指导,并帮助创造机会,扩大对全球和地方卫生保健的了解,以及弱势群体和社区面临的差距. Dr. Ball自2017年以来一直担任这一职位,随着Covid-19大流行的减弱,他很高兴为学习者提供更多选择.

Dr. 鲍尔的专业背景包括教授住院医生和医学院学生超过17年的学术儿科学. In 2005, she began her career in Detroit as a pediatric hospitalist at Children’s Hospital of Michigan, where she became division chief of Pediatric Hospital Medicine. Dr. 鲍尔在达特茅斯大学担任客座教授,并在卢旺达大学长期实习,在那里她为住院的新生儿和儿童提供临床护理,并通过健康人力资源项目帮助建立健康教育基础设施. Her academic interests include child maltreatment and advocacy, 全球健康, and health equity.

Dr. Ball is an alumna of Kalamazoo College, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in 1998. She then matriculated at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and obtained her medical degree in 2002. She pursued pediatric residency at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, 西北大学. While on the faculty of Wayne State University, Dr. 鲍尔完成了公共卫生课程, anthropology and law and received a 全球健康 certificate. 2013年,Dr。. Ball achieved a diploma of tropical medicine and hygiene (DTM&H) from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine after studying in Tanzania and Uganda. Dr. Ball holds board certification in both general pediatrics and pediatric hospital medicine.

Srikala Yedavally, DO, FAAFP, MEd

Srikala Yedavally DO, is a family physician, clerkship director, and one of the 全球健康
directors at OUWB who works with OUWB M3 and M4 students who are interested in
inter国家 away electives as part of their M4 year. 在担任全球卫生主任期间.
Yedavally的 responsibilities range from helping students select their elective to debriefing
them upon their return, cultivating and maintaining affiliations with the global partners, and
developing and planning educational didactics for the 全球健康 curriculum.

Dr. Yedavally的 passion for working with underserved communities began almost 30 years
ago when she worked as the medical director of a methadone clinic in San Diego. 后
博士,. Yedavally was a volunteer physician at the First Step Women’s Shelter in Canton,
Mich. for several years when she was faculty at the Corewell Wayne Family Medicine
实习项目. 在全球卫生的背景下. Yedavally参与了
multiple medical missions to Peru and Belize.

Dr. Yedavally is an alumna of Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine
(MSUCOM) who went on to do postgraduate training at Horizon Health System, Henry Ford
Hospital and Corewell Dearborn (formerly known as Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center
在密歇根州迪尔伯恩市.), where she completed her family medicine residency. Dr. Yedavally的
career focus has always been in academic medicine and she completed a faculty
development fellowship at the University of Michigan as well as a Masters degree in
教育 from the University of Pennsylvania. 她目前还担任住院医师
program faculty at the Corewell Beaumont Troy Family Medicine Residency program and
has special interest in Ethics, Palliative Care and Narrative Medicine.

For general inquiries on 全球健康 at OUWB, please email (电子邮件保护)